The notion of an autonomous and independent company had been proposed as early as 1987 to replace the Therapeutics Committee. A straightforward business structure was needed to manage employment of staff, financial transactions, an increased workload and expanding book sales.

In September 1995 the VMPF, led by Rob Moulds since 1994, formally commissioned Dr Geoff Dreher to write a report to advise on the best overall management structure for the future of the guidelines’ activities. His key recommendation was that the committee should become ‘a legal entity in its own right with a Board membership reflecting the Guidelines Program’s national character’ and that a chief executive officer should be appointed.

A company limited by guarantee was recommended as the best structure so that the non-commercial, professionally based, not-for-profit aspects of the program could be written into the memorandum and articles of association.

Nominees to a board of nine were sought from the federal Department of Health and the RACGP to complement three nominees each from VDUAC and VMPF, and the VMPF chair would be the company board chair. No payments to board members would be made.

Writing was transferred from VDUAC to the new company. The writing committees reported directly to writing support staff and the new CEO. Mary Hemming was appointed as CEO because of her expertise and dedication, and because she could provide stability and continuity for the new company.

Mary Hemming on the commissioning of Geoff Dreher to recommend a future structure

Rob Moulds on selection of the first TGL board members

The company was formed in July 1996. At first named Australian Therapeutic Guidelines Program Limited, this quickly changed to Therapeutic Guidelines Limited (TGL) in October 1996. Solicitor Peter Francis, a partner at Purves Clarke Richards, established the company structure and provided legal advice. He continued to do this after he moved to Maddocks lawyers in 2002. Alan Mitchell was retained for financial advice and corporate accounting. The board of nine, which met for first time on 5 September 1996, included:

  • Professor Rob Moulds, chair
  • Dr Laurie Mashford
  • Professor Felix Bochner
  • Professor Tony Smith
  • Neil Naismith
  • Associate Professor Ken Harvey
  • Professor John Murtagh
  • Professor John Tiller
  • Dr John Dowden

Mary Hemming on the commissioning of Geoff Dreher to recommend a future structure

Rob Moulds on selection of the first TGL board members